Love makes All Things New!
How would I know
My Dearest Lord:
That in the pain that fills my heart,
In the disappointments
I encounter on my journey of life,
That You were there, doing something New!
You were there, in that pain, in that chaos,
Fashioning me, renewing me,
And making straight my path,
The path that leads to my destiny in YOU!
How would I know,
My Beloved Lord,
When I was bruised in my heart.
When my soul was weighed down with sorrow
And my members tremble with guilt.
How would I know,
My Dearest Lord,
When I felt I had ruined everything,
And my life was going on a wrong direction!
I almost was drowned in my condition,
For there was no hope in sight!
It is your doing,
Oh Lord my God,
That you allow chaos in our lives,
And through them,
You make us new persons, new community!
Your fashion new life from the old,
New direction from an old road!
Indeed, the old must pass away
So the new can spring up.
It is your doing Oh Lord,
Mysterious and marvelous in our eyes!
But it is Your love for us that makes all things new.
Without love, nothing is, and nothing can be;
For your power is your love for all mankind.
A love that is unconditional,
Enduring and eternal.
A love that never judges anyone
But strives to keep us safe and in truth.
It is in this Love, WHICH is YOU
That we are made,
Young and old, male and female.
It is this love that sets us apart
As your children and your disciples.
This love is the power that heals
And brings everything together.
This love is the light that shines in darkness
And rescues the hopeless from the grip of despair.
This love, Oh Lord, makes all things new!
In this love,
We are brothers and sisters,
A community that loves and cares
For each other!
Whatever we have been through,
Whatever pain we have suffered
Whatever guilt we have carried,
Are in truth raw materials
In the furnace of Love!
We thank you
Oh Lord our God
For using our problems to make new our lives;
Even if we do not see it;
Even if we are clouded with our pain and confusion.
Do not let us forget for too long
That You make All things new
With Your Love.
Make us, too,
Dearest Lord,
Channels of your love to our brothers and sisters
And so, make their lives new and refreshing.
Be praised for ever. Amen