Welcome to St. Andre Bessette Parish!

Our parish is founded in our faith in Jesus Christ and our mission is to build a community of love, healing and holiness. We have a strong history of being a bilingual community here at St. Andre Bessette. We offer bilingual (Spanish/English) mass as well as English masses. We also have two wonderfully talented choir groups in English and Spanish. Our parish is proud of the bridge we have created in order to help unite both cultures and we strive to continue to strengthen that bond.

As disciples of Christ, we focus on spreading the Gospel to all. We not only worship as a parish, but we also look to help inspire and encourage all to deepen their faith in God. The programs and events we have at our parish help to address these goals. For instance, we offer religious education classes, RCIA, youth ministry and many opportunities for Christian service and stewardship.

Our inspirational priest, Fr. Okeke strives to help guide all to Jesus Christ and provides a rich experience of mass. He and our parishioners have a shared belief in Jesus Christ. We strive to build a prayerful environment that fosters everyone’s ability to be deeply convicted in their faith. We hope that you will join us.

“You are welcome in the name of the Lord! We can see in you the glory of the Lord! You are welcome in the name of the Lord!”

Parish Mission Statement

Founded in our faith in Jesus Christ, the parish of Saint André Bessette builds a community of love, healing, and holiness.

Parish Goals

1) We will build a parish community that is focused on spreading the Gospel to believers and non-believers through a rich experience of the mass.

2) We will build a faith community that is welcoming of all of God’s children.

3) We will build a bridge that unites the cultures of our parish community with a focus on our shared belief in Jesus Christ.

4) We will build a faith community that is supportive of the family and addresses their needs in becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.

5) We will build a prayerful environment that fosters a parishioner’s ability to be deeply convicted in their faith.

6) We will spread the Gospel to surrounding communities and share in the responsibility to serve those in need spiritually and physically.