Are you sure you are a registered parishioner?
Are you “really sure” that you are a registered parishioner?
- You may attend Mass at St. Andre Bessette, or events, or volunteer at fund raisers, etc. – this does not automatically make you a parishioner.
- You may even think you are because you attend Mass weekly
- If you were baptized at a parish, it does not automatically register you for a life time at that parish.
- You are NOT automatically registered when your child is a student in the Religious Education program
- You may NOT be in any of our parish records as a registered parishioner.
Why Register?
Registering is important so that we can serve your needs and have your contact information.
Registering is important so we can record your donations and contributions to the church.
Registering is important if you wish to have a priest sign a church document, verifying that you are a practicing Catholic.
Some examples of letter/documents requesting your active registration would be:
- Godparent for baptism
- Sponsor for Confirmation
- Will be confirmed
- Will have your child baptized in a parish of a Diocese other than the Archdiocese of Detroit
- You are entering into the Sacrament of Matrimony in another parish out of state and permission is needed for this
- You are petitioning for adoption of a child
- You are transferring membership to another parish
- A letter for citizenship
- These are not all of the circumstances where a signature verifying your good standing in a parish is required.
Please call the Parish Office at 313.383.8514 if you have any questions about your registration status, or if you should register.