When you come into my heart,
My dearest Lord,
Everything changes:
Despair gives way to hope
Anger is blessed with forgiveness
Love overcomes hate
Resentment loses its power
And life blossoms with joy and gladness.
Whenever you touch a heart,
Like a beautiful flower in the spring,
She sinks her roots into the soil
of your grace
And peace!
For your hand,
Your creative and loving hand,
Remakes everything new!
Then nations shall not rise against another
And spears are put back
into their pruning hooks;
War will cease as people will look
and see You in each other!
So glorious, Lord is your coming;
Your coming into our world,
Your coming into our hearts,
Our families and our relationships!
Your coming brings peace and harmony
If we listen to you and follow your lead!
A lot of turmoil fills our world;
Many divisions into camps,
Voices of hate and discontent,
Voices of pain and agony!
Broken men and women,
Hearts too heavy to bear,
Lasting injuries taking long to heal!
Cramped bodies and saddened faces;
Jaded veins and cracked arteries
Tortured minds and burdened spirits.
Bloody eyes and clawed hands!
You see, Dearest Lord,
how powerless we are!
Left alone we cannot do it
For though we belong to you,
Other forces often take over
And unleash discord and conflicts.
But when you come into our hearts
You heal our wounds of body and soul.
You bring comfort to our pain
And you let our hearts feel
love and glory again!
Come Lord Jesus, come into our hearts,
Our families, communities and nations!
For when you come
And we let you in
Great things happen
In and outside us,
One by one!
Thank you Lord for coming,
And continue to come
Every moment of our lives.
Father Okeke