My God, My Rescuer!

How many times have I got lost,

My Loving Lord,

In search of things and persons to love and to be loved?

How many times have I immersed myself,

In seeking for things I believe will fill me up

and give my life meaning?

How many times have I sought for peace and contentment

In the wrong places, places that turn to harm me,

and lead me deeper and deeper into trouble?

How many times I think and believe

I have it all together, all well planned out,

But it all crashes and sends me back

to the realization that I am not in control!

How many times have my choices led me to self-enslavement:

To things and persons that I have lost the freedom to love freely

and to surrender to your paternal hands, leading me to a place

Only YOU know the best!


Oh, my Loving God, my Rescuer!

You do not rest or sleep

because you always have me in mind.

You search for me and constantly nudge me to return to your embrace;

To return to the right path – YOU!

You give me the chance to begin again,

Again and again and again and again

Until I have learned that YOU are my sustenance,

My rock, my contentment, and fulfilment!

Oh, Your Divine Majesty!

Let me not separate myself from you again,

As your love is the only experience

That sustains my life!

May I never forget your mercy and kindness! Amen

~Fr Cornelius Okeke