Opening Prayer Service for all children and families enrolled in our Faith Formation / Religious Education Programs will be held on Monday, September 25, 2023 beginning at 6 pm.
Classes are held on
Mondays for students in Kindergarten through grade 4. 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm
Wednesdays for students in grade 5 – grade 8 (Confirmation Prep) 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm
Tuesday for Teens in our OCIA Program 5:00 PM
Please remember, that our program does not just provide preparation for sacraments. Religious education is a community of faith itself that works in partnership with the home and the parish. It is designed to assist children and young people to be increasingly able to make an informed and mature response to God in faith and to nurture that faith. Our goal is to help assist parents in teaching their children that God loves them so that their faith and love of God may deepen evermore.
We look forward to having your children participate in the program!
Please contact the Faith Formation/Religious Education Office if you have any questions and please consider being a volunteer.
Miranda Garcia, Director of Faith Formation / Religious Education
Click here for more information on Protection God’s Children

Religious Education News & Events
Winter Closing Due to Bad Weather
If Ecorse Public Schools are closed, due to severe weather, Religious Education classes are CANCELLED.